Sunday 7 April 2013

Balloons & French Toast

Had a wonderful weekend OooHhhing & AaaHhhing at beautiful balloons for much of it!  Early mornings, loads of layers of cosy clothes, hot chocolates, friends, walking inside a balloon, waving at balloon flying off, smiling all giddily, sweet treats, watching the nightglow in the best seats ever, spectacular fireworks... and to finish it off today, French Toast and a looonnnggg nap!  

My favourite weekend breakfast du jour: French Toast!  So simple, yet so satisfyingly tasty for a Sunday.  

French Toast

Sliced Bread (Toast is good - I had three)
Eggs (1-2 per person)
Milk (I used rice-milk)
Grapeseed oil

Mix eggs & milk in a shallow bowl (I tend to do this by feeling rather than measurement, and if you run out, it's easy enough to make some more).
Soak slice of bread in the mixture on both sides.  Fry each sides in hot pan with a bit of grapeseed oil - golden brown like a pancake.  Stack on a plate and top with below.

I ran out of Maple Syrup a while ago, but discovered an easy way to create a sweet syrup substitute:  

Sugar Syrup

Raw Sugar
Vanilla Essence

All three go in a saucepan to boil and bubble away until the syrup thickens to the right consistency.  Again done by feeling - if you have too much water, you just have to let it evaporate until the syrup is to your liking.


Banana (Sliced)
Blueberries (fozen is fine - the hot syrup will thaw them quickly)
Sugar Syrup

Any refreshing berry or fruit will suit.  Next time I'm thinking of adding slivered, toasted almonds for a bit of crunch on top, as well.  Bon App!

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